There are a wide range of tax issues to consider when developing properties. Here we touch on just a few of them... Read More... | |
The forms used to report Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) due on a purchase of UK land and property are changing. The lead purchaser must now provide an identity number such as NI number and date of birth. Where the purchaser is a company the company's tax refe Read More... | |
This is a type of VAT fraud that costs the UK millions of pounds every year. It works like this... A VAT registered company based in the UK purchases small high-value goods (such as mobile phones) in another EU country and imports them into the UK (with z Read More... | |
Q. 2009 my family and I moved out of the home I owned and rented a house near my daughter's school. I have recently sold the original home. Do I qualify for the capital gains tax exemption on that property, even though I wasn't livin Read More... | |
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